
Showing posts from November, 2010

Working with PowerShell & Multiple Azure Contexts

When working with multiple Azure subscriptions, the PowerShell Az.* modules allow for easy context switching. This means that you can run commands agains multiple subscriptions, or you can run commands against subscriptions without changing your default context. An Azure Context object contains information about the Account that was used to sign into Azure, the active (for that context) Azure Subscription, and an auth token cache is not actually empty, it just can't read from here for security reasons, though you can read it with the Get-AzAccessToken command. Here's what is in an Azure Context object: PS> Get-AzContext | fl * Name : TK-PRD (yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy) - Account : Environment : AzureCloud Subscription : yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy Tenant : zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz TokenCache : VersionProfile : ExtendedProperties : {} If y

A generic perl script to scan a CIDR subnet for listeners on a specific port.

Ever had a customer ask you where *some process* was running on *some port* in their network? I have. And usually this involves an environment that doesn't have NMAP installed, or any other common port scanning tools. Fortunately these days, almost every *nix OS comes with Perl, even Solaris. Since I work for a managed services company, and we manage a multitude of different environments, each with it's own set of restrictions and requirements, I try to write the most portable code that I can, so that it has the best chance of actually working in any given environment. This script uses a couple of standard Perl modules that are included as part of the default installation, and don't require any CPAN-Fu, and it takes a couple of options, such as a switch for verbosity, and IP address, with or wirhout a CIDR mask, and a TCP port. The CIDR mask defaults to /32, and the port defaults to 22. Here's an example of the output. tcsh-[101]$ ./